Trustee Nominations
FBC Las Cruces has a trustee position to fill this year, and we are now taking nominations. The deadline to submit a nomination to the church office is Sunday, March 16. The nominee must give their permission to submit their name. The qualifications for a Trustee are listed below.
Trustee qualifications
Trustees are in a fiduciary relationship with the church. Their primary responsibility is to always act in good faith for the benefit of the church. They should avoid over-involvement in day-to-day management, except when serious problems or potential problems have been identified, as charged by the governing body. Following is a brief description of the knowledge and experience base expected for those seeking the office of Trustee. Candidates should be aware that these are volunteer, uncompensated positions.
All trustees are, first and foremost, expected to be committed to the Lord and His ministry through the church. They should be good leaders and willing servants, prayerful and diligent in fulfilling their responsibilities with a strong record of active service and involvement in the programs of First Baptist Church.
Qualified trustees can have a variety of educational backgrounds and work experience. Desirable attributes include significant business and/or administrative experience, advanced education, knowledge in the areas of employment law, taxation, some level of financial expertise (budgeting, understanding financial statements, debt financing), knowledge about construction and real estate transactions, facilities management, human resources and personnel administration, risk management and insurance, board experience with other organizations, and the like. No single trustee would be expected to meet all such criteria, but collectively the trustees must have qualifications that cover a broad spectrum of such types of expertise—plus a large measure of common sense.
Trustees must be knowledgeable about the church bylaws, policies and procedures and should be familiar with the provisions of the NM Nonprofit Corporation Act and other regulatory requirements.
They must be willing to do the necessary “homework”, or seek expert counsel, when their job entails dealing with issues for which they are not well prepared by virtue of their education or experience.
Only church members who have actively attended the Church for at least five years are eligible for nomination to any Trustee position.
Business meeting Agenda TBD