From the Pastor
In January of 2016, First Baptist Church of Las Cruces, New Mexico left its original location of over one hundred years to relocate to the growing part of town.
We began worshipping on the first Sunday of the year in Phase I of a multi-phase building project.
The purpose of this relocation is simple; to reach more people for Jesus. And this purpose has not changed at all.
Over the past six years, FBC has experienced substantial growth. It is time for Phase II. Sometime in the first half of 2024, building will begin on an additional 25,000 square feet of space.
Included in this project is a new Worship Center, twice the size of the current one, more children’s space, and the current Worship Center remodeled for youth.
The cost of Phase II is approximately 8.5 million dollars. We have about half of that in cash or already paid toward the project. We need to borrow around 4.3 million dollars to make this project work. Combined with our current debt of 4 million dollars, this is about 8.3 million dollars of debt the church will incur. This is the amount our lender has agreed to loan us.
Our original Impact Building Campaign has a goal of about $1,270,000. Even though not all our commitments have come in, we have surpassed the amount. The Impact three-year campaign ends in September of 2024.
Impact Plus is designed to add $1,000,000 in cash to our original commitment. This allows us to borrow less money and have a smaller monthly mortgage payment.
Many of you who attend here have already given to Impact. Some of you have met your commitment. Some of you have not finished giving. And some of you who attend are new and have not given anything toward our building campaign.
As always, we NEVER want anyone to feel pressured to give. We rarely talk about money, or even ask people to give. But some of you are in a position to give to Impact Plus.
Impact Plus is designed for the following people and families:
Those who have not given anything to Impact
Those who have not finished their Impact commitments.
Those who have finished their Impact commitments and can give a little more.
Please consider an amount you prayerfully feel led to give to Impact Plus. For some, you may just need to finish your Impact commitment.
Whatever your commitment is, you can give online or in person at FBC anywhere you find a brown offering box
You can give on a weekly, monthly, or one-time basis, whatever you feel led to do.
It will help us to have an idea of our potential commitments if you complete a commitment card. You can do this anonymously or you can give us your name. Either way, it is up to you.
Whatever you prayerfully decide to do, please remember, never take away from your current giving to our budget. Impact Plus is above your current giving.
Please pray about this and let the Lord guide you. If you can’t give it, that’s ok. We want FBC to be your church home. We never want you to feel that giving money is necessary for you to belong here. But, if you can give, we do appreciate it.
Phase II Highlights
In September 2024, we began building this second phase that will add about 26,000 additional square feet of space. It will allow us to significantly add more people during each of our services.
We will construct a new worship facility that will move our seating capacity from 380 to 800.
We will nearly double our existing children’s and preschool space.
We will remodel our existing worship center into a new youth space.
We will add multi-use classroom space and a new commons area.
The History of FBC Las Cruces

Meeting for over a decade previously, 14 charter members organized the First Baptist Church of Las Cruces in 1899. FBC Las Cruces grew and those who were a part, came together to purchase their first building in 1913. They built their second building in 1927 followed by a major expansion of that facility in 1967. With many more expansions and renovations, that location, the Miranda campus served FBC Las Cruces for decades.
With a continued commitment to fulfilling our mission, FBC Las Cruces came together once again in 2014 to first purchase and then pay off the land for the new location. The Reach Capital Campaign to build the new facility began in 2016, and by the fall of 2018, we began to hold services at the Sonoma location. Reach commitments were completed that next year.
As we enter this capital campaign to complete Phase 2 of the Sonoma Campus, we must remember our history. It is about our mission. To honor God and get people to Jesus as fast as we can. Together, we will IMPACT a future that honors Christ.

Exciting Times!
October 2021-September 2024. Impact Campaign
February 2024 Impact Plus Begins
September 2024, Construction Began!